Everyone knows that Youtube censors content, including the comment section of videos. In my experience, many of my comments are censored when I criticize the advancement of technologies such as AI, biotech, and 5G. I operate a website called Reject Evil Tech (link to backup site) with the purpose of warning people about technologies I regard as evil. As part of that initiative, I have personally sent out hundreds of emails to churches pleading with the leadership to consider boycotting certain technologies. Regrettably, I haven't gotten any positive feedback.
Here is a link to the email that I have been sending out: Plea for Righteous Action. Also, I have included below an example of one of my censored YouTube comments. I wrote this comment as a reaction to a Christian leader who was speaking against Transhumanism with only mild apprehension here:
"Technology isn't neutral. Technologies that are allowed to reach the public for general use are not created in a vacuum. They are designed, developed, and deployed with a purpose. The potential for AI, biotech, and IT to be used for evil is tremendous, and who is even asking if God permits such technologies to even exist? Doesn't God also have red lines? Weren't the fallen angels in the book of Enoch punished for teaching humans forbidden knowledge? What about Christians like me who find this technological advance to be reprehensible? If we remain on this trajectory, people like me will be forced out of society in a couple years time. When the Internet was invented about 30 years ago, we weren't able to see where all of this was going, but now, we know exactly where all of this is headed and if we don't refuse, what will we say to God and what will we say to our children in 20 years time when our society has been turned into an open-air prison and the temple of our bodies has been defiled with the idol of so-called science?"