What is the Gospel and Saving Faith?
The Gospel and the Justification of God
Problems with the Heidelberg Catechism's Description of Faith
Relationship between Faith and Works in Key Passages
Belief or Trust? (This article is technical, but please see the last three paragraphs)
Works are NOT Evidence of Saving Faith
Faith is NOT Like a Fruit Tree
Positive Correlation between Faith and Works
Causation, Correlation, and the Lies of Religion
Jon Moffit Banned Me from the Theocast Community Forum
Particular Atonement is at the Heart of the Gospel
"Christ Died for Me" is NOT the Gospel
Problems with Free Grace Theology and Reformed Theology
Faith is Counted unto Righteousness
Quick Rebuttal of Andrew Fuller's "Strictures on Sandemanianism"
Justification and the Historia Salutis (History of Redemption)
Justification of the Ungodly Man as an Ungodly Man
Justification Precedes Regeneration
Justification and Antinomianism
Correctly Understanding Perseverance of the Saints
Justification and the Gospel of John
Faith Precedes Regeneration (Effectual Calling)
Categories of Positional and Experiential Justification
Hebrews 11:8-9 and Imputed Righteousness
Romans 4:17-22 and Demonstration of Abraham's Faith
More Objections Answered regarding Romans 4
Even More Objections Answered regarding Romans 4
"Faith of Jesus Christ" or "Faith in Jesus Christ"?
Exegetical Problems of "Faith of Jesus Christ" Subjective Genitive
Forgiveness of Unrepentant Willful Sins
Evidence and Comments on Substitutionary Atonement
Thoughts on Christian Universalism
Revelation 3:5 and Eternal Security
Fear of God Is the Beginning of Wisdom
Jude 4: Turning the Grace of Our God into Lasciviousness
Who Are the Enemies of the Cross of Christ in Philippians 3:18?
Opinion on Christian Mysticism
What Must I Do to Be Saved? by John Robbins (presumably)
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? by John Robbins
What is Faith? (Foreword to Gordon Clark's book "Faith and Saving Faith") by John Robbins
The Object of Belief is Always a Declarative Statement, Never a Command by John Dodson (YouTube)
Saving Faith in Focus by Robert N. Wilkin
The Belief of the Gospel Saving Truth by Archibald McLean (scanned copy of old book)
Law and Gospel Distinction by Monty Collier (YouTube)
What is Saving Faith (Response to Douglas Barnes' Hatchet Job) by John Robbins
Letters on Theron and Aspasio: Addressed to the Author by Robert Sandeman (scanned copy of old book)
Faith and Saving Faith by Gordon H. Clark
In Christ [A Critique of the Mystical Concept of "Union with Christ"] by John Robbins
Several Quick Arguments that the Covenant of Works Is Not Gracious by William J. Baldwin
Covenant Theology Under Attack by Meredith Kline
Works and Grace by Meredith Kline
Gospel Until the Law in Romans 5:13-14 by Meredith Kline
The Changing of the Guard by Mark Karlberg
Paul on Justification and the Final Judgment by J.V. Fesko
The Doctrine of Justification by James Buchanan
The Active and Passive Obedience of Christ by Lorraine Boettner
Justification by an Imputed Righteousness by John Bunyan
Who is the "Him" in James 2:14? by R.T. Kendall
Counted Righteous in Christ by John Piper
Overview and Critique of New Perspective on Paul (Part 1) by Jeffery Smith
Overview and Critique of New Perspective on Paul (Part 2) by Jeffery Smith
Overview and Critique of New Perspective on Paul (Part 3) by Jeffery Smith
ΠΙΣΤΙΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ: Witness of the Fathers by Roy A. Harrisville, III
The Objective Genitive as Good Greek by Roy A. Harrisville, III
Πίστις and Christ in Hippolytus's de Christo et Antichristo by Wally V. Cirafesi and Gerald W. Peterman
The Doctrine of Revelation by John Robbins
The Doctrine of Justification by John Robbins
The Theology of N. T. Wright by John Robbins
The Theology of Richard Gaffin and Norman Shepherd by John Robbins
The Auburn Avenue Theology by John Robbins