Gospel Guidebook: Getting and Keeping It Right  한국어    日本語

A Oneness Creed

By Jason Dulle

Original link: https://thinkingtobelieve.com/2018/01/09/a-oneness-creed/

I believe in one God, eternal and almighty,
creator of heaven and earth;
Both one in essence and one in person;
Who for us became one of us, and yet remained God;
One person in two natures, both divine and human;
The eternal God who became temporal man.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God incarnate;
Son of God and son of Adam;
Who took on our nature to take away our sin;
Divine by identity and human by function,
he rescued us as one of us, dying in our stead;
Raised from death to die no more,
In whom we confidently wait for the same, amen.